Hair oils have been used for ages to promote growth and treat various other hair issues. Is it true that your grandma never grew tired of gushing about the advantages of hair oils? But have you been properly oiling your hair? A superficial application of hair oil will result in a greasy scalp and have no beneficial effects on your hair. For your hair to benefit fully from oiling, it’s critical to know how to do it. Please scroll further.

Is Oiling Your Hair Important?

Oiling your hair is like feeding your body food to keep it healthy and nourished. To keep your hair healthy, strong, and shiny, you should occasionally nourish it with oil.

Abhisikta Hati, senior product development executive at SkinKraft, claims that hair oiling protects hair follicles from harmful surfactants by filling the spaces between cuticle cells. Oiling stops your hair strands from dehydrating and lessens chemical product-induced hair damage.

Some advantages of oiling your hair include the following:

  1. Supplements the scalp and hair follicles with nutrients and vitamins.
  2. Strengthens hair follicles to encourage healthy hair growth.
  3. It lessens hair frizz.
  4. Feeds the hair roots and keeps the hair moisturized and silky.
  5. Essential oils, like rose and tea tree oil, address specific skin and scalp conditions.
  6. Stops dandruff.
  7. Prevents hair from prematurely graying.
  8. Provide calming measures.
  9. Lowers the chance of lice.
  10. Prevents hair loss.

How To Oil Your Hair?

Blood circulation is improved by massaging your scalp and hair, which encourages hair development. The steps listed below will help you oil your hair properly.

What you need is:

  1. Carrier Oil
  2. Aromatic Oil

The full procedure for applying hair oil properly might take up to 35 to 40 minutes.

1) Choose The Right Carrier Oil

You may use carrier oils alone or in conjunction with essential oils. Among the often utilized carrier oils are coconut oil, jojoba oil, grapeseed, olive, almond, and avocado. You could choose mild oils like grapeseed or almond if your scalp is oily.

2) Choose the Essential Oil

Based on the qualities of the oil, your hair type, and your demands, you may pick an essential oil. Because they might be overly potent and result in allergic responses, essential oils like peppermint, lavender, or sandalwood must be diluted with carrier oils. For a 2.5% dilution, you may use 15 drops of any essential oil mixed with 6 tablespoons of any carrier oil.

3) Heat the Oil

Your oils should be warm after a brief heating period. In order to keep your scalp hydrated, using heated oil will enable deeper penetration into your hair cuticles and seal them.

4) Massage Your Scalp

Use circular movements to gently massage the oil into your scalp for a few minutes. Spend 10 to 15 minutes working your way over the whole scalp. After finishing with the scalp, go carefully to the ends of your hair.

5) Cover your hair with a warm cloth

Put a warm towel over your forehead and bun your hair. Your pores and cuticles will open as a result, enabling the oils to penetrate your scalp and hair follicles more deeply.

6) Rinse It Off Thoroughly

You may apply your oil, leave it on overnight, then wash it out completely the following day with shampoo. To rinse your hair, try using warm or cold water.

Avoid These Mistakes When Oiling Your Hair

  1. Avoid brushing your hair immediately after oiling it

Because your scalp is loosened at this moment, your hair is susceptible to breaking. Your hair may get weighed down by oil, and combing it shortly after oiling it will only make it break.

2. Avoid washing too soon

It’s crucial to get rid of all the extra oil, but not too quickly! Spend at least an hour letting the oil settle on your scalp. This enables the oil to feed your scalp by penetrating the hair follicles.

3. Don’t use too much oil

You would need to use more shampoo to remove too much oil from your hair. This will remove both the extra oil you’re removing and the natural oils from your hair.

4. Avoid bunning your hair

Avoid tieing your hair frequently since scalps may become more brittle. Your hair is already burdened down by the oil and is in a susceptible position.

5. Avoid using a towel as a wrap

When your hair is saturated with oil, towels might break it since they are harsh. Instead, wear a warm, simple cotton shirt or fabric.

6. Avoid very vigorous massage

Hair might break when your scalp is massaged too quickly or violently. The best method is to gently massage your scalp in circular strokes.

7. Don’t Overuse Your Shampoo

It’s crucial to remove all the extra oil by washing. Many of us have a tendency to use our shampoo excessively in an effort to remove the extra oil. Your hair’s natural oils may be removed by over-shampooing it, which can do more damage than good.

Why does oiling your hair cause it to fall out?
Your hair becomes weighed down by oil, which sometimes strips away the strands that are already split. But applying too much pressure to your hair might potentially break it. You must remember to give your scalp a little massage while you oil it.

When you over-oil your hair and don’t thoroughly rinse it off, debris, dandruff, and germs may gather on your scalp. Hair loss may also arise from this. You simply want to oil your hair enough to nurture and protect your scalp and hair.

Is it better to apply oil to wet or dry hair?
Oil keeps water away. Water will reject oil if you apply it to damp hair, preventing deep penetration. It will be useless as a result.

Your hair and scalp develop a layer of water that prevents oil from penetrating. So, in order for oil to be able to feed the deeper layers of your scalp and hair, it should preferably be applied to dry hair.

Is daily hair oiling necessary?
Too much oil on your hair each day might lead to product buildup on your scalp. Additionally, it might clog your pores, draw dirt, and gather dandruff.

If you oil your hair every day, you also need to shampoo it every day. To produce healthy, shiny, and silky hair, this is not the best option. It’s advised to oil your hair once or twice every week.

Can Oil Be Left On For Two Days?
How long we should keep the oil on our scalps is a topic of ongoing discussion. Different oils and hair types need to be kept on for various lengths of time.

It’s not a good idea to leave oil on your hair for longer than one day. Even one day is not advised since it might result in an oil film forming on your scalp, blocking your pores, building up dandruff, and luring debris. In addition, it will cause your scalp to feel oily and unclean all the time.

Is it OK to use oil on dirty hair?
It is advised that you avoid applying oil to sweat-stained, very filthy hair. You want to benefit from your hair oil without having to worry about debris becoming stuck in your pores.


It’s sufficient to oil your hair once or twice a week. Daily use might cause your hair to lose its vital oils and attract grime. Your hair may break if you violently rub, comb, or massage oil through it. Therefore, if you follow the advice we gave, your hair will grow out healthy and gorgeous.

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