If you have acne, whether it be as an adult or a teen, you may have tried a variety of skin-clearing products. And if you’re here, the odds are that those products don’t function. One of the biggest problems with acne sufferers is that they don’t understand their condition—what causes it, why some people experience flare-ups and others find it easy to calm down—or what makes it better or worse.

Treatment for stubborn acne isn’t always as simple as slathering on a cream; it can involve hormones, diet, and even potential underlying medical issues. However, there are times when it is that simple; choosing the right product to use can significantly impact your ability to achieve clear skin. Who explains which products are best to use to treat acne and how each formulation treats the skin differently.

Causes of pimples

While the majority of pimples will disappear in a few weeks, some may require more time. This is particularly true for pimples that are painful or deep. Here are a few typical reasons why pimples persist.


An outbreak of pimples is called acne. An outbreak can last for a few weeks to a few months before it ends, but it can also recur.

In addition to blackheads, which are open clogged pores, acne sufferers may also experience whiteheads, which are closed clogged pores. Nodules under your skin that are red and painful can result from severe acne.

Your face, chest, back, or shoulders are the typical areas of acne. Teenagers are the most susceptible, and by the age of 20, it frequently stops happening naturally.

Fungal acne

Pityrosporum, a type of yeast, gets into your hair follicles and multiplies there, causing the condition known as fungal acne. Additionally, it may cause acne-like eruptions. These pink pimples are itchy. The back and chest are where fungus acne most frequently appears.

Pityrosporum is naturally present on your body, but it has the potential to spread. Although the causes of this aren’t fully understood, they could be due to:

  • oily skin
  • conditions, such as diabetes
  • medications, such as corticosteroids
  • fatigue
  • stress

Cystic acne

A particularly serious kind of acne is cystic. It is brought on by an accumulation of oil and dead skin cells deep within your hair follicles. Cysts may form when these accumulations break beneath your skin.

Dermatologists should be consulted to treat cystic acne. To help you treat your cystic acne and avoid infections, they might offer you prescription medicine.

Why Your Acne Won’t Go Away?

1)Your acne is hormonal

Around puberty, when the sebaceous glands that create sebum begin to operate, acne begins to appear. It often persists throughout early adulthood. Acne in your 20s and 30s is often brought on by abundant sebum (oil), clogged pores from bacteria and debris, and fluctuating hormone levels.

While teenage males appear to experience the condition more often than teenage girls do, as adults, women are more likely to have acne flare-ups than adults men.

Why? Accuse hormones. Due to their ability to restore hormone balance, birth control tablets often aid in reducing acne.

Although many individuals believe they have outgrown their acne, our bodies still experience hormonal swings in adulthood for a variety of reasons, which may result in outbreaks. Even if you have avoided severe acne your whole life, it might appear at any time. As progesterone levels may rise above those of estrogen, which is common in women who are beginning to experience menopause, this can result in breakouts.
Hormonal acne may, however, often be treated well, which brings us to the next conceivable cause of persistent acne.

2) Using too many products

You may believe that adding more would make a difference while treating skin irritation. Maybe you use treatment pads several times per day, or you combine your salicylic acid cleanser with facial scrubs and a variety of other products that have been suggested to you.

Overuse may actually make your skin worse. You should never combine Retin-A or other over-the-counter medications with more than one salicylic or benzoyl peroxide product on your face at a time. Avoid cleansing with a salicylic acid product, following that with a salicylic acid pad, and finishing your routine with a gel application. Simply said, it’s too much. Your skin will become irritated, with some little dryness and stinging.

Additionally, given that a large proportion of teenagers experience acne, skincare products frequently cater to the needs of teen skin. You might be treating your acne as an adult with a product that is too harsh.

3) You’re not using the proper products

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4) Address the root causes

Acne that won’t go away might potentially have certain underlying medical issues as a cause.

Because they have an impact on the endocrine system, which is in charge of manufacturing hormones, endocrine problems often result in acne. A phenomenon called polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) affects women and is marked by an excess production of the androgen hormone, which results in the development of cysts on the ovaries.

Other endocrine disorders, such as acromegaly (a disease in which the body overproduces growth hormone) and Cushing syndrome, may also result in persistent acne (a disorder in which the body produces too much cortisol, or “stress hormone”).

Although they are less common, non-endocrine disorders may also result in persistent acne. PAPA syndrome, SAPHO syndrome, and Apert syndrome are a few of them.

To identify the best course of therapy for you, your dermatologist may address these concerns.

5) You Should Consult a Dermatologist

Over-the-counter treatments are ineffective for treating certain forms of acne. It could be time to contact your dermatologist if you’ve been taking care of your skin and treating your acne with over-the-counter treatments for at least two weeks with no improvement.

A topical benzoyl peroxide solution plus a prescription retinoid are the gold standard treatments for acne. I enjoy the prescription Epiduo Forte Gel because it has the greatest concentration of adapalene (a retinoid) and benzoyl peroxide available, which not only helps to lessen the redness and irritation caused by acne but also opens up the pores and kills bacteria that causes acne beneath the skin.

I advise a combination of topical benzoyl peroxide and a prescription retinoid for individuals with severe and cystic acne. Find the best course of therapy for you by speaking with your dermatologist.

Oral medicines are one of the other therapeutic alternatives. Antibiotics may reduce inflammation and redness by eradicating extra skin germs. Accutane is one of many considerably more potent prescription medications that are readily accessible.

You may want to try these products for your acne that does not go away:

1)SkinFix Acne+ 2% BHA Spot Treatment

With the help of the SkinFix Acne+ 2% BHA Spot Treatment’s exfoliating star ingredient, salicylic acid, you can treat inflamed blemishes while preventing the emergence of new ones. Azelaic acid, a less well-known ingredient with antibacterial and antioxidant properties to target and lessen the appearance of blemishes, is also a component of this pimple-reducing formula.

2) Mario Badescu Drying Lotion

Salicylic acid fights bacteria, sulfur disinfects, and calamine lessens redness from breakouts that have just begun to surface in Mario Badescu’s Drying Lotion. Word of caution: This lotion might be better used as a nighttime treatment than a quick fix for the daytime due to its pink color and pasty texture.

3) Hero Cosmetics Rescue Balm

What should you do after applying a patch to a pimple or popping one (which dermatologists do not advise)? With beta-glucan, panthenol, and vitamin E, Hero Cosmetics’ Rescue Balm hydrates and repairs post-breakout skin to help the healing process along. Since it’s a balm, it blends in with skin easily and you hardly notice it’s there.

The Rescue Balm is one of three products in Hero Cosmetics’ Maskne Bundle that also includes the Micropoint for Blemishes and the original Mighty Patch.

4) La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo

The benzoyl peroxide in La Roche-Posay’s Effaclar Duo has been micronized, which results in smaller particles and deeper pore penetration than conventional formulations. The second ingredient in the spot-fighting ingredient pair, lipohydroxy acid, gently exfoliates skin to keep pores clear without causing irritation.

5) Peach Slices Deep Blemish Microdarts

Sliced peaches Large Blemish With 176 ultra-fine, self-dissolving microdarts per patch, microdarts lock in their targets—dark spots, red spots, and blemish scars—allowing ingredients to penetrate deeper. But do not worry; they are not painful. They contain hydrating hyaluronic acid and cica to stop breakouts right away, as well as a brightening trio of niacinamide, licorice, and vitamin C.

Please also check our blog about acne scars, you will have see our acne scar product recommendations aswell.

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