It can be a challenge to find time to do your makeup everyday, and for some of us that don’t work from home (or even have time to run to the bathroom before work) getting ready for the day can seem like an impossible feat. When you have kids and a busy schedule, making sure you look your best can feel like a priority one minute and an afterthought the next. In this blog post, you’ll get makeup tips on how to freshen up your appearance without spending hours in front of a mirror or spending money on expensive cosmetics. Our makeup tips will help you achieve a more natural look that won’t last all day but will still leave you feeling refreshed rather than bloated and cakey at night!

Don’t Overdo It

You don’t need to put on 10 layers of makeup to get a fresh look — in fact, a light application of makeup can make you look more tired and washed out than you actually are. After all, when our skin is over-exfoliated, dull, and worn out from the day, a little makeup can give it a boost of energy and make it look and feel more awake and alert. If you’re not careful, applying too much makeup can cause skin to look oily, cakey, and “pimpley.” A oily look is obvious and unrealistic, while a pimply skin look is practically guaranteed to give your skin the “can’t keep up with theama” look that you don’t want associated with your school, day job, or social life. Using a loose powder is the best way to go when it comes to applying makeup. It will give your skin a more natural look while leaving you with less “pimpleiness” and “oiliness.”

Use A Loose Powder

If you’re still using a powder foundation or setting powder, it’s probably because you haven’t switched to a loose one yet. Like using a loose powder, using a loose setting powder will give your skin a more natural look while leaving you with less “pimpleiness” and “oiliness.” A loose setting powder should be applied once a day, preferably in the morning, to keep oiliness at bay. You can use loose setting or setting powder, but if you’re not using them consistently, you’re likely end up with oily skin that is difficult to remove. A great way to get started is to pick out a loose setting powder that is light on the skin and easy to blend. If you’re using a loose setting powder, you can add translucent powder to your routine for a sheer look or light dusting of translucent powder for more coverage.

Avoid Over-The-Nose Makeup

Over-the-nose makeup is what you put on top of your makeup to cover up dark circles and blemishes, but it should come down to that. You should avoid putting too much on your nose and trying to cover up dark circles. Seriously, that’s what you should avoid! Whatever look you’re going for, it should look like you’ve been glowing for hours, not moments. You should be fresh and clean-looking, not stressed out or exhausted. If you’re wearing too much makeup or applying makeup while stressed out, you’re actually creating a harder surface on your skin (oilier) and will have a harder time removing it.

Try These Easy Makeup Tips For A Fresh Look!

Use Lights To Indicate Moods: Pick out lights that are different from each other and change colors to indicate moods such as blue for calmness, yellow for optimism, and red for excitement. When you’re wearing the blue lights, you’re happy and ready to go, while the red lights are for excitement or energy and change is imminent.

Drink A Lot Of Water: Make sure you’re drinking water not only for water retention but so your skin can better process nutrients. Water does a body good by helping your skin stay hydrated (and makes your skin look hydrated!), wash away toxins (like the ones from stress and pollution), and flushes out excess oil.

Get A Daily Facial: It’s not just your skin that needs moisture, your scalp and hair, too, and a daily scalp massage is a sure-fire way to make your hair feel nourished and happy.

Use An Exfoliator: Exfoliating your skin not only gets rid of dead skin and impurities but it also helps your skin absorb more of its own natural oils.


Whether you have 30 minutes or 3 hours until you have to run out the door, it’s never too early or too late to start looking and feeling better. Over the holidays, your makeup could easily look 8 times worse than it does when you get home from work. You can do something about it, though, by using the makeup tips and techniques outlined in this blog post. Start using these makeup tips and your beauty routine will start to fall into place. You’ll feel so much better when you start to notice the difference! Remember, there is no “perfect” time to do your makeup. Choose the best time of the day to do so, and use these makeup tips to improve the way you look and feel. Wishing you all the best,

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