You probably already know that your body requires a variety of vitamins for skin to keep your complexion looking young and healthy, but what about the vital minerals for skin health?

Every live cell in the body contains minerals, which work together to create and maintain a wide range of physiological processes. They essentially serve as the spark plugs that power our engines.

The best way to maintain a healthy body and skin is to eat a well-balanced diet that is rich in fresh, organic fruit and vegetables, essential fatty acids from foods like oily fish and avocados, high-quality protein, and plenty of pure water. However, there are many things that can upset the balance of minerals in our bodies.

These include drinking too much alcohol and sweets, as well as experiencing stress and worry. You may be mineral deficient if you combine it with the general loss of minerals in the soil brought on by monoculture and contemporary overfarming.

You may be lacking in magnesium if you’re wriggling and twitching in bed like you’re possessed by devils, and you may be deficient in zinc if your nail beds resemble a frock with white polka dots.

The majority of minerals are accessible as supplements, but it’s always advisable to improve your diet first and only use the supplements to make up any deficiencies. It can be worthwhile to check with your doctor if your skin isn’t looking its best to determine if you might be lacking in any of these minerals. In this article, we will discover the most important minerals & vitamins for skin.



One of the most beneficial vitamins for skin health is zinc, which is especially crucial for acne patients. Zinc helps regulate several hormones that may lead to acne and regulates the amount of oil produced by the skin. Antioxidant qualities are thought to slow down the aging process of the skin and muscles. Zinc is very advantageous to all components of the immune system and aids in accelerating the process of skin healing after an injury. Drinking will cause a deficit since it is needed to break down alcohol. This explains why you appear fatigued and have dull skin after a long night of drinking.

Sources: Olives, lean meats, liver, cooked dried beans (legumes), sea vegetables, fortified cereals, soy products, and peas are some examples of healthy foods. Other foods include Brazil nuts, almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, and walnuts.


Copper is one of the most important vitamins for skin that improves the efficiency of antioxidants and works in conjunction with zinc and vitamins to make elastin, a protein that helps keep skin elastic and firm while also preventing it from drying out.

Sources: Beans, mushrooms, coconut, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, walnuts, pistachios, cashews, and pecans.


Selenium is the best mineral for producing healthy hormones and is a strong antioxidant. It also improves skin flexibility and suppleness. Additionally, selenium works well as an anti-inflammatory, protecting good skin cells from harm. Sardines, Brazil nuts, and other cold-water fish are sources of selenium.

Sources: Brazil nuts, fish and chicken.


Magnesium is a crucial element for healthy bones, teeth, muscles, and skin. It also supports a healthy neurological system. The aging of the skin may be hastened by a magnesium shortage. It improves skin when added to skincare products because it maintains skin suppleness. Avoid eating fast food, consuming soft drinks, and consuming excessive amounts of alcohol since these may quickly deplete and strip the body of magnesium. If you often exercise or use alcohol, take a few high-quality health vitamins for skin before night. Use practitioner-only products and check that the main ingredient in the mix is magnesium citrate to guarantee a low amount of fillers.

Sources: Chestnuts, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, almonds, pecans, coconut, walnuts, buckwheat, barley, kidney beans, lima beans, beetroot greens, spinach, dates, lentils, brown rice and wheat germ.  


Although it’s well known that getting enough calcium is vital for strong teeth and bones, it is also a crucial element for skin health. The amount of calcium in the human body is more than that of any other mineral; it makes up 90% of the construction of our bones. It significantly contributes to the firmness and suppleness of the skin, as well as all bodily tissues and cells. Acne-preventing diets include those high in calcium. Weak bones, brittle nails, thin, thinning skin, and hair loss are all symptoms of a calcium shortage. Because the mother’s calcium levels are depleted during these periods, pregnant and breastfeeding women need additional calcium. Calcium is crucial if you want to increase the health of your skin overall.

Sources: Sardines, leafy greens, fortified orange juice, kelp, collard, kale, watercress, parsley, and dandelion greens. Chickpeas, dairy goods, beans, nuts (especially almonds, hazelnuts, and pistachios).
Stress as well as excessive soft drink, alcohol, red meat, and coffee consumption can result in a calcium deficiency.


Lack of potassium in the diet may result in dry skin and other skin conditions because potassium, along with salt, helps control the quantity of water in your body’s cells. Because potassium is an electrolyte, it retains an electric charge that is essential for healthy cell activity. Most individuals obtain their recommended daily intake of potassium through their diets, but if you’ve recently been ill with diarrhea or lost a lot of fluid via sweat, you may need to take an electrolyte powder to replenish your reserves. The health advantages of potassium are essential for keeping excellent skin health as well as general wellness, but try to stay within the daily allowances.

Sources: Bananas, oranges, milk, bran, kiwi fruit, lima beans and lentils. 


An essential mineral called silica is utilized to tighten and firm the skin, keeping it appearing smooth. It is a trace mineral that is essential for keeping healthy skin and helps to strengthen the connective tissues in your body, including the muscles, tendons, hair, ligaments, nails, cartilage, and bone. Lack of silica may cause skin to become less elastic, resulting in early aging and poorer wound healing. You should mix silica and zinc for optimal health advantages in order to accelerate wound healing and to improve skin, hair, and bone health.

Sources: Strawberries, cucumber, mango, celery, leeks, beans, chickpeas, and rhubarb.


Q1: What vitamin is best for skin and acne?

A: Vitamin A is considered the best vitamin for skin and acne. It helps to regulate sebum production, reduce inflammation, and promote skin cell turnover. Retinoids, derivatives of vitamin A, are widely used in prescription acne treatments and over-the-counter products. However, it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional before starting any vitamin A-based regimen to determine the appropriate dosage and avoid potential side effects.

Q2: Can too much B12 cause acne?

A: Yes, excessive intake of vitamin B12 can potentially cause acne. While vitamin B12 is vital for the proper functioning of the nervous system and red blood cell production, studies have suggested that high levels of B12 can disrupt the balance of skin bacteria, leading to inflammation and acne breakouts. It’s essential to maintain a balanced intake of B12, either through diet or supplements, to avoid any adverse effects.

Q3: Does biotin help acne?

A: Biotin, also known as vitamin B7 or vitamin H, is essential for healthy skin, hair, and nails. However, its role in acne treatment is unclear. Some anecdotal reports suggest that biotin may help improve skin health and reduce acne, while others claim that excessive biotin intake can trigger acne breakouts. It’s best to consult a healthcare professional before taking biotin supplements for acne treatment, as individual responses may vary.

Q4: Is vitamin D or E better for skin?

A: Both vitamin D and E play crucial roles in maintaining healthy skin, but their functions differ.

Vitamin D: This vitamin is vital for skin health as it promotes cell growth, reduces inflammation, and supports the skin’s immune system. Low levels of vitamin D have been associated with acne and other skin issues. You can obtain vitamin D through sun exposure, diet, or supplements, but it’s essential to maintain a balanced intake to avoid toxicity.

Vitamin E: Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps to protect the skin from free radical damage, reduces inflammation, and supports skin healing. It also maintains skin moisture and elasticity. Topical application of vitamin E or consuming it through diet or supplements can improve overall skin health.

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