When you have combination skin, it’s not just one or two types of skin cells that are fighting to survive — it’s every single cell in your skin. The good news? Combination skin isn’t a sign of impending doom. Instead, it’s just a sign that your body is battling the elements on many fronts at once. The label “combination skin” merely means that your complexion is highly sensitive to factors such as humidity and temperature, or that the two different types of skin cells (oily and dry) are clashing with each other. But what can you do if you have combination skin? Luckily, there are plenty of products out there which work wonders for those who suffer from this frustrating condition. Read on to learn more about how to treat it, including tips for avoiding it in future.

What is combination skin?

Combination skin is a unique condition that involves both oily and dry areas on the face. It is usually a symptom of the hormonal changes that happen during puberty, and it can also be caused by stress, diet, pollution, and medications. But while combination skin is not a disease, it can still cause major issues for those who suffer from it. The most common issue with combination skin is acne. But when the oil levels are a little too high or the levels are uneven between the two types of skin cells, it can also cause oily skin and acne. While you can’t do much to prevent combining oily and dry skin, you can take steps to help combat the problems that come with it. Combination skin is highly sensitive to heat and humidity, so you’ll want to be careful when dressing, applying makeup, and going out in the summer and winter months. Be sure to apply sunscreen daily, and keep your face out of the heat and humidity when possible.

How to treat combination skin

Combination skin can be a challenge to treat, but with the right approach, you can achieve a healthy, balanced complexion. To start, it’s important to understand the unique needs of your skin, as different areas of your face may have different concerns.

  1. Cleanse gently: Use a gentle, non-stripping cleanser to avoid over-drying your skin or triggering oil production.
  2. Balance oils: Use oil-free products on your T-zone and moisturize regularly to avoid dryness on your cheeks.
  3. Exfoliate wisely: Exfoliate regularly to remove dead skin cells, but be gentle to avoid over-drying or irritating your skin.
  4. Use masks: Use masks specifically designed for combination skin to target specific concerns in different areas of your face.
  5. Pay attention to ingredients: Avoid ingredients that are known to be harsh or drying, such as alcohol and fragrances.

Stay out of the sun

It’s really important to protect your skin when it’s exposed to the sun — that goes double if you have combination skin. If you’re going to be spending a lot of time outdoors, be sure to wear a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen. If you’re not sure which SPF to use, err on the side of caution and wear the highest SPF possible. You’ll also want to be careful not to get too close to the heat or stay in the direct sunlight for too long — midday sun is the worst for causing damage.


If you have combination skin, you’re in luck — this type of skin is among the most common and, therefore, the most treatable. With a few adjustments to your skincare routine, you can easily find a product that works wonders for your skin. From using a gentle cleanser to a moisturiser with SPF, you can easily remedy the issues that come with combination skin.


1) Can combination skin use oily skin products?

Combination skin can be tricky to handle since it has both oily and dry areas. It’s essential to choose products that are designed for combination skin to ensure that they cater to the specific needs of each area. However, using oily skin products on the oily areas (usually the T-zone) can be helpful for some people, as long as they don’t cause any adverse effects on the rest of the face. It’s important to test any new product on a small area before applying it to the entire face to minimize the risk of irritation or breakouts.

2) Is combination skin acne prone?

Combination skin can be acne-prone, especially in the oily areas like the forehead, nose, and chin. The excess sebum production in these areas can clog pores and lead to breakouts. However, everyone’s skin is different, and not all individuals with combination skin will experience acne. Good skincare practices, such as cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturizing, can help prevent acne and maintain healthy skin.

3) Can combination skin use salicylic acid?

Yes, combination skin can benefit from using salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is a beta hydroxy acid (BHA) that penetrates the pores to help exfoliate and unclog them, making it particularly useful for treating and preventing acne. It can be beneficial for the oily areas of combination skin but might be too drying for the dry areas. When using salicylic acid, start with a lower concentration and gradually increase if needed to minimize potential irritation. Also, pay attention to how your skin reacts and adjust your usage accordingly.

4) How does combination skin look like?

Combination skin typically has an oily T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin) and dry or normal skin on the cheeks and other areas of the face. The oily areas may appear shiny, with enlarged pores and are more prone to breakouts. The dry or normal areas may have smaller pores and can sometimes experience flakiness, tightness, or redness.

5) Is combination skin the same as normal skin?

Combination skin is not the same as normal skin. While both skin types can have a mix of oily and dry areas, combination skin has a more pronounced difference between the two. Normal skin is more balanced, with even sebum production and moisture levels throughout the face. In contrast, combination skin has distinct oily and dry areas, which can make finding suitable skincare products more challenging.

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