These days, it’s rare to find someone without some sort of natural skincare routine.

It’s easy to see why: proper skin care may reduce the effects of sun exposure, keep pores clean, and delay the onset of skin aging (fewer wrinkles and pigmentation issues as you get older).

A few weeks of religiously following a skin care routine can do wonders for your complexion.

Do not go anywhere else if you want to learn how to create a skin care program tailored to your specific skin type. Let’s get back to basics and go over how to create a natural skincare routine.

Methods for Identifying Your Skin Type

Understanding your skin type is crucial for making a tailored and well-considered choice in skincare products.

Generally speaking, skin type is influenced by both heredity and upbringing.

Among the simplest to identify. You may have oily skin if it turns greasy or sweaty quickly (especially later in the day).

Having bigger (and more easily blocked) pores, oily skin is much more prone to acne. Typical ingredients in oily skin care items include those that exfoliate, fight acne, and control oil production.


Sometimes develops wrinkles, folds, and flaky patches over time. For example, dry skin is evident in the form of flakiness, especially in the winter or other dry seasons.

Dry, itchy skin is a common complaint among those with this skin type, and it often worsens after a bath or a simple face wash. When treating dry skin, it is essential to first restore moisture levels and then strengthen the skin’s natural barrier against moisture loss.


This has oily and dry patches; depending on where you look, it may have a variety of problems. Combine skin is the norm, and it’s also the most common type.

Those with combination skin should look for non-drying, acne- and pore-preventing creams that are pH neutral.

After you’ve established your skin type, check to see if there are any additional variables that could affect how the substances you use interact with your skin. Consider some of the questions you might ask:


To begin, use a cleaner.
A cleanser’s job is to remove grime and oil from the skin and allow the pores to breathe again.

Apply a cleanser to your face using circular motions for around 2 minutes every morning when you first wake up and proceed to the bathroom.

Pat it dry with a clean towel, taking care not to damage the fabric. Always use a clean towel.

Toner is Step 2

Toners are used to immediately rebalance the skin’s moisture level and rejuvenate the appearance of tired or dull skin.

Spread a thin coating of toner all over your face using a cotton pad. It may take some trial and error to locate a toner that doesn’t irritate your skin.

You should probably start your search for natural skincare products with something mild.

The Third Step: Serum

Serum is a broad category that contains a number of specific products, such as skin antioxidant and essence.

Facial serum essentially acts as a moisture lock, allowing the active components to be absorbed rapidly and deeply into the skin.

In the case of a Vitamin C facial serum, for instance, the serum will ensure that the Vitamin C is absorbed by the skin by penetrating the pores and providing long-term hydration and protection.

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