Everyone knows that hair grows in cycles. It grows during the day, and it recedes at night. That’s why you need to take care of your hair properly so that it doesn’t become damaged by constant pilfering, curling, or straightening. When your hair is healthy, it produces keratin, a protein that makes up hair strands and hair follicles. Hair without keratin is brittle; as a result, damaged hair can be very fragile. If something should happen to damage-prone areas of your hair (like if a storm hits and your power goes out), you won’t recognize the results for days or even weeks. When your hair is damaged, it creates weak spots all over its surface that allow moisture to accumulate on the inside rather than the outside. These moist clumps can cause breakage and split ends at any given place in your hair. When those weak spots are exposed, they also invite moisture into your strands constantly – this isn’t good for your hair as a whole!

What causes damaged hair?

Hair is made up of a protein called keratin. There are two types of keratin – oily and dry – and your hair’s texture is determined by which type is present. The type that causes your hair’s split ends is called “damaged” and is the result of chronic over-processing. As your hair gets processed more often, it creates more damage.

How to treat damaged hair?

There are a number of ways to treat damaged hair. The first step is to recognize the cause. If your hair is normal and healthy, it’s probably the result of a well-balanced diet. If however, your hair is dry, dull, coarse, or prone to breakage, you need to examine the way you’re feeding it. You should also consider changing up your routine. If your hair gets wet or humid, it becomes more prone to damage – as well as more likely to over-process. When your hair is wet, it’s easier for atmospheric moisture to get trapped inside and cause damage. To avoid over-processing your hair, you should try to minimize heat damage and moisture triggers. You should also avoid using too much heat on wet/damp/moistened strands as this can dry them out.

When is hair damage visible?

Most people think of visible damage first when they hear the word “damaged”. It’s true that hair gets visible when you’re inspecting it by looking straight on, but it’s also worth noting that damage is visible throughout the hair – particularly in the areas that you don’t normally wash. Curly girls, beware! Curls forming on straight hair are typically caused by an build-up of dead skin cells and other impurities on the scalp. When those build-up areas are exposed to regular washing, they lead to split ends.

What can cause your hair to become so damaged?

Stress: As with most things in life, stress can cause your hair to become more susceptible to damage. Over-exertion and strain can be applied to your hair, which can lead to breakage and damage. Hgiene: When your hair is treated poorly, bacteria and other impurities can get into the strands. As a result, your hair has less chance of forming a repair organelles, called “biome”, inside.

Nutrition: You should aim to feed your hair the nutrients it needs – especially B vitamins, vitamin E, and zinc. The good news is that these nutrients are found in abundance in antioxidant-rich foods like avocados, broccoli, brazil nuts, and red wine.

Misting: Misting your hair when it’s wet is believed to cause dryness and damage. This is because the water-releasing properties of the mist cause your hair to go back to being “stressed”, stripping the natural oils from your scalp and making them vulnerable to damage.

Chronic stress: It’s worth noting that stress is a common cause of hair damage. If you experience knots or tightness in your hair when you’re under high stress, take a deep breath and remind yourself that you’re not being stupid.

How to Repair Damaged Hair?

The main thing to remember when it comes to treating and preventing damaged hair is to pay attention to your own hair care routine. If you notice that you’re over-washing or using harsh conditioners, you can start to superficially “fix” the problem by adjusting your routine. However, the damage persists even if you “fix” your routine. In that case, the best thing to do would be to pull out all the stops and use a more natural conditioner when washing and curling your hair.


Hair gets damaged as it grows. It’s not something that you can avoid doing your best to prevent, but you can take steps to minimize the damage caused by normal wear and tear. Unfortunately, damage also occurs while your hair is still in a healthy state. If you don’t know what is causing your hair damage, it can be extremely hard to fix. Luckily, there are a number of ways to treat and prevent damage to your hair, such as following these steps: Pay attention to how you’re maintaining your hair. Look for clues that something isn’t right. Trace your hair’s cycle with a hair growth chart. It will help you identify when your hair is at its weakest and most vulnerable. Keep your nails clean and trimmed. Trim your beard and keep your body hair under control. Nails and body hair are constant invitees to split ends. Use a hair grease on greasy areas only. Avoid using oil on dry or dry-ish areas. Add a deep conditioner when you’re washing and drying off. This will help your hair retain its natural body and moisture. Perform a scalp check at the end of the day. If your hair seems to be getting oily or oily patches are developing, add in a deep conditioner or Seaweed hat. When in doubt, follow the steps above and you’ll be fine. The end. The happy image of a healthy hair looping through your fingers is just a bonus.

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