Our beach chairs, pool toys, and barbecues will all be stored in the shed until the next year now that summer has come and gone. However, certain summertime relics won’t go away when the temperature drops, such as sunburns from unprotected time spent at the beach or pool throughout the summer. It’s possible that despite your best efforts this summer, you nevertheless sustained some harm. If the hottest months of this year (and all the summers before it) have left you with dark spots, fine lines, and other symptoms of sun damage, things may be made better. To navigate among all the anti-aging creams, serums, and therapies available on the market, however, may be challenging. Which ones merit the effort? And how do you know which strategy will work for your sun damaged skin?

Take Vitamin A

Retinol is the most important element to search for if you neglected your sun protection this summer and want to treat your sun damaged skin.

It’s the benchmark. Almost everybody can use a retinol, with the exception of pregnant women.

Retinol, a vitamin A derivative, works by promoting cell turnover and raising collagen formation, both of which aid in reversing the damage done to damaged skin cells. Retinol, which is available both over-the-counter and in prescription dosages, acts to prevent almost all symptoms of sun damage.

It may improve color, tone, and texture. Retinol helps dark spots vanish and balance out pigmentation. It may soften and smooth out the skin, even reducing fine lines and wrinkles.

If you have sensitive skin, the product’s drawback is that it could irritate, produce redness, or even make your skin dry. Retinol should be used once or twice a week at first, and then more often if your skin isn’t bothered. There are several retinol medications available that range in formulation (including gels and creams) and strength (retinols purchased with a prescription are often stronger), so you may select one that is suitable for your skin type.

Although none are as often advised as retinol, there are a number of other forms of topical therapies for premature aging that are available, and the research behind them seems to be encouraging. The use of DNA repair enzymes in over-the-counter products is one instance. They can stop brown patches and collagen deterioration, according to certain research.


There are many distinct methods for using lasers as a therapy for sun damage.

Certain lasers “target the pigment melanin,” making them essentially designed to blast away sun spots.

Lasers may also repair a less well-known consequence of solar damage: little blood vessels that have burst around the nose and centre of the face. The collagen supporting these vessels is destroyed by the sun, leading to their cracking, which makes the skin seem red.

Another kind of laser therapy really works by inflicting extremely “gentle and regulated” skin damage. Although it may seem counterintuitive to inflict any kind of harm on already sun-damaged skin, it may be quite helpful in reversing the effects of UV radiation.

This therapy activates the skin’s natural systems for healing and regeneration, which essentially lay down new, healthy skin cells and collagen.

When thinking about any kind of significant treatments for sun damage, it is a good idea to see a qualified dermatologist. A doctor will be able to provide suggestions depending on your skin, whether you’re considering a prescription or over-the-counter retinoid, laser therapy, or a combination.

Wear Sunscreen

But what is the top advice for avoiding sun damage?

Sunscreen, sunblock, sunblock!

A 2013 study indicated that daily sunscreen users who have an SPF of 15 or above age their skin 24% slower than daily sunscreen nonusers. But a comprehensive sun protection strategy includes more than just sunscreen. By wearing clothes, caps, sunscreen, and seeking out the shade, particularly between the hours of 10 AM and 4 PM, when the sun is at its greatest, you may prevent UV damage even more.

Just beginning to use sun protection can help reverse UV damage. The skin naturally has a propensity to desire to restore itself, much like other bodily organs.

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