Have you ever noticed how the seasons affect your skin’s appearance? If so, you may have observed that the colder winter months make your skin seem drier and flakier.Your skin might dehydrate due to the strong winter winds, dry interior heat, low humidity levels, and cold air. Your face, hands, feet, and other exposed skin regions may all start to seem much less bright than usual due to this.

Even when temperatures drop and there is no way to avoid the dry, chilly air of winter, there are things you can do to keep your skin looking healthy.

How to notice dry skin?

The following are a few of the most common signs and symptoms of dry skin:

  • scaliness or flakiness
  • harsh texture, color
  • itchiness
  • inflamed, raw skin
  • stinging or burning 

Xerosis is the medical name for dry skin. The damaged part of your body will determine the kind and degree of your symptoms.

How to avoid dry skin in the winter?

Dry winter skin is not always dispensable.  You may be able to keep your skin looking soft,smooth, and bright all winter long by making a few adjustments to your skincare routine and habits and using the proper products.

Let’s look more closely at 11 suggestions that might improve your skin’s health throughout the colder seasons of the year.

1. Immediately moisturize after washing

Your skin loses its natural oils whenever you wash your hands, face, or body. Replace these oils often since they aid in retaining moisture. Because of this, it’s crucial to hydrate your skin after every wash, particularly in the winter.

Try keeping a bottle of moisturizer next to your sink as a handy reminder, and carry a travel-size moisturizer while you’re out and about.

The following moisturizers are very effective for dry winter skin:

CeraVe Daily Moisturizing Lotion

This moisturizer was developed by dermatologists and contained three crucial ceramides and hyaluronic acid to hydrate your skin and preserve its moisture barrier.

Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Cream

This lightweight face moisturizer was created with glacial glycoprotein and squalane from olives to help your skin resist cold, dry environments.

Nivea Soft Moisturizing Creme

This lightweight face moisturizer was created with glacial glycoprotein and squalane from olives to help your skin resist cold, dry environments.

2. Apply Sunscreen

It might be tempting to skip using sunscreen in the morning due to the shorter winter days and less sunshine but resist the urge. Your skin’s moisture barrier, essential for preserving skin health and hydration, may still be stressed by damaging UV rays even in the winter.

After using a moisturizer in the morning, try applying a layer of sunscreen.

The American Academy advises using sunscreen with at least SPF 30 of Dermatology.

3. Use Nighttime Products

The best way to revive or prevent dry skin is with overnight treatments. Emollients work well to moisturize. They may take longer to absorb into your skin since they are a thicker kind of cream.

Your skin will have the time it needs to absorb the therapy and for the emollient to replace your skin with the moisture and oils it needs if you apply an emollient overnight.

Applying an ointment to your hands or feet while wearing gloves or a plastic bag will help you avoid getting the emollient all over your bed linens or blankets.

You may wish to take into account the following emollients:

Mary Kay Extra Emollient Night Cream

You may use this rich overnight moisturizer on your hands, feet, face, or any other area that feels rough and dry. A little bit is often enough.

Aveeno Skin Relief Intense Moisture Repair Cream

This moisturizer includes oat flour, oat oil, ceramides, and rich emollients, which may deeply hydrate the skin in every area of your body.

Cutemol Emollient Skin Cream

This moisturizing lotion, which contains beeswax and rich emollients, is particularly beneficial for repairing skin harmed by regular handwashing.

4. Modify your skincare routine

You may want to think about temporarily streamlining your skin care regimen if the dry winter air makes the skin on your face feel particularly sensitive or irritated.

Remember that your skin’s moisture barrier must be in good condition for serums, toners, and other cosmetic treatments to work effectively.

Additionally, inflamed skin may be more sensitive to substances like alcohol and scent. This implies that cosmetics that would typically feel wonderful on your skin might become irritating.

Try to make your skincare routine simple. Consider using a light cleanser with a moisturizer in the morning and only a moisturizer and sunscreen at night.

Once you’re certain the moisture barrier on your skin is sound, you may gradually add additional treatments and substances to your routine.

5. Use a humidifier

When indoor heating is turned up in the winter, humidifiers may be extremely beneficial in replenishing moisture in the air. More moisture in the air may serve as a natural moisturizer, preventing and alleviating skin dryness.

In the winter, a humidifier set at 60% helps restore moisture to the top layer of your skin, according to Harvard Health Publishing.

6. Lower the temperature

After a chilly winter day, a hot shower or bath might feel particularly comforting. However, you may want to maintain the water temperature closer to lukewarm to nourish your skin.

According to the Baylor College of Medicine, hot water might potentially harm your skin and remove its natural oils more quickly than lukewarm water (usually about 98.6°F/37°C).

Additionally, use caution while drying your skin after a bath or shower. Use a soft towel to softly pat your skin instead of violently rubbing it to help some of the moisture nourish the top layer of your skin.

7. Use scrubs and exfoliants carefully

Exfoliation, which helps remove dead skin cells from the skin’s surface, may help maintain your skin’s smooth, youthful appearance. However, if you exfoliate your skin too often or with the incorrect products, you risk overdoing it.

Consider using a light chemical exfoliator rather than a physical scrape if your skin seems dry or flaky. Scrubs with larger particles that are harsher may have a higher chance of damaging your skin’s moisture barrier.

It can be advisable to wait until your skin has healed before exfoliating if it is cracked, raw, or irritated.

8. Include occlusives in your routine

Emollients may smooth and heal your skin barrier, as we described before. However, if you discover that emollient compounds aren’t helping your dry skin sufficiently to recover, you may want to think about including occlusive substances in your skincare routine.

Occlusive ingredients create a physical barrier to keep moisture in your skin. Occlusive substances include, for instance:

  • shea butter
  • cocoa butter
  • rosehip oil
  • jojoba oil
  • petroleum jelly-based products like Vaseline.

Applying these products once or twice a day after moisturizing is the easiest way to include them in your routine.

9. Hydrate internally

Ensuring you remain hydrated throughout the day is another essential step to maintaining healthy, luminous skin. Your skin might look different and become more prone to drying out if you don’t drink enough fluids.

You may want to concentrate on consuming foods that are strong in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids and remain well-hydrated.

Both of these nutrients may help your body produce healthy cells, including skin cells, and shield your cells from harm caused by the environment.

10. Choose non-irritating fabrics

Avoid wearing abrasive materials whenever you have skin issues of any kind. Dry skin is also not an exception. To lessen the chance of further physical irritability, consider dressing in loose, comfortable, natural materials if the skin on your body is very dry.

Don’t wash your items with conventional detergents, either. For detergents that won’t include harsh chemicals or strong smells, look for those made for sensitive skin.

11. Wear gloves

A pair of gloves is the best physical defense against environmental elements that might dry out the skin on your hands.

Wear thick gloves while going outside in the chilly weather, and use a pair of silicone gloves when doing the dishes to protect your hands.

Keeping your hands smooth and well-hydrated may be achieved by limiting the amount of hot and dry air that contact your skin.

When to consult a doctor

While there are numerous at-home treatments for dry skin, it’s vital to see a dermatologist or healthcare professional if your symptoms worsen or don’t go away.

They will provide suggestions for over-the-counter and prescription medications tailored specifically to your symptoms.


In the winter, it’s typical to have dry, flaky skin that affects not just your face but also your hands, feet, and other exposed body parts.

The secret to maintaining good skin is to moisturize it often with the correct products. Additionally, using hot water, exfoliating scrubs, and other skin care products is crucial.

Your skin may be protected by using a humidifier, non-irritating clothing, gloves, and drinking enough water.

Consider following up with your healthcare physician for the appropriate action if you notice that your dry skin isn’t getting better with at-home solutions.

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