The day when lavender served just as grandma’s go-to method for reviving the bathroom is long gone. It’s fair to say that this one particular purple bloom is greater than ever and has been acclaimed a champion in the skin care industry. It can be found in everything from milk tea to marshmallows, cleansers to masks. We’re here to help you make an informed choice if you’re debating whether or not to add lavender oil to your collection of beauty products. We’ll explain the benefits of lavender oil and how to use it to your advantage for a calm, clean complexion.

What is Lavender Oil?

Despite being a member of the mint family, this renowned herb has a completely different flavor and scent. The strong, sharp aroma has been compared as a blend of mint and rosemary with a sweet, flowery undertone. Lavender oil is significantly more than simply a gorgeous plant, as shown by its lengthy history as a cosmetic and therapeutic remedy.

Long used as an oil, Lavandula angustifolia is prized for its opulent aroma and curative properties. Lavender was a favorite scent for Queen Elizabeth, and she also used it to flavor her tea. Lavender oil was a favorite among Victorian women for fragrances, and it was even used as an antiseptic during the First World War.

Today, we honor lavender oil benefits as a remedy for headaches, stress relief, and even pest protection (goodbye, mothballs)! We enjoy the benefits of lavender oil for skin and seize any opportunity to include it into our beauty regimens.

How Is Essential Oil of Lavender Produced?

Lavender oil has obviously always been a favorite among those who enjoy essential oils. But just how do those blooms change into their useful oil form?

The fields of lavender are often plucked by hand. The bouquets of flowers are knotted together and left out to dry for a few weeks. In addition to keeping the oil from going rancid, drying the buds makes it easier to remove them from the stems.

Once the flowers have dried completely, it’s time to start the steam distillation process. Because acetone or hexane are used in solvent extraction techniques, steam distillation ensures that you receive the greatest benefits from lavender while avoiding contamination.

Lavender buds are placed above boiling water to begin the distillation process. As the lavender gently steams, the high pressure and heat force the oil from the flowers. The steam transports the steam and oil mixture to a condenser, where it is cooled and transformed back into a liquid. A hydrosol is created from the steam, and the priceless lavender oil drops are naturally separated.

Lavender Oil Benefits for Acne

1.Fights acne

Yes, using an oil to treat acne makes total sense. Lack of oil on your skin often causes acne to flare up. To make up for the dryness, your skin may begin to overproduce sebum, or natural oil, which may clog pores and cause acne. Lavender oil softly hydrates skin and prevents pore clogging.

Due to its inherent antibacterial properties, lavender oil destroys any germs that may enter your pores and cause acne. This makes the purple flower ideal for delaying the onset of, soothing, and treating uncomfortable acne outbreaks.

Who said that makeup with high coverage had to clog pores? Our BB Cream and Long Last Concealer use antibacterial lavender oil to provide complete coverage while reviving and calming the skin. For a one-two punch against acne, use them with a customized acne treatment plan enhanced with witch hazel or tea tree.

2. Soothes dry skin and eczema

You may have eczema anyplace on your body. Your skin becomes dry, itchy, and scaly when you have eczema. It may show up in many places and be moderate or persistent. Lavender may help prevent eczema since it has antifungal qualities and soothes irritation.

Psoriasis may also be treated with lavender oil. Lavender oil helps to cleanse your skin and reduce inflammation and redness.

Mix 2 drops of this essential oil with 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and an equal quantity of tea tree oil to treat eczema. It may be used every day.

3. For wrinkles

Fine lines and wrinkles on the face are partially caused by free radicals. Antioxidants included in lavender oil help shield you from free radicals. Use a few drops of lavender essential oil mixed with coconut oil to treat wrinkles. Once or twice a day, the combination may be used as a moisturizer.

4. Anti-inflammatory properties

Lavender oil is effective in treating painful inflammation. The oil’s analgesic and numbing properties aid in reducing inflammation, and its beta-caryophyllene content functions as a natural anti-inflammatory.

Combine 1 to 3 drops of lavender oil with 1 to 2 tablespoons of moringa or coconut oil to alleviate the irritation caused by a burn. The combination may be used three times per day.

A spritz of lavender oil helps soothe a sunburn. Mix a quarter cup of aloe vera juice, two tablespoons of distilled water, ten to twelve drops of lavender oil, and jojoba oil in a spray bottle. Spray the solution on your sunburn after shaking the container. Till the sunburn cures, use the spray two or three times daily.

5. Wound-healing

Lavender oil may facilitate faster wound healing if you have a burn, cut, scrape, or other lesion. Researchers discovered that lavender oil helps skin tissue recover in a 2016 studyTrusted Source.

Combine 3 to 4 drops of lavender oil with a few drops of coconut or tamanu oil to apply to tiny wounds. Utilizing a cotton ball, apply the mixture to your wound. Lavender oil might also lessen scars that still persist after your wound has healed.

How to Use Lavender Oil?

What you’re treating will determine how you utilize lavender oil. When combined with a carrier oil, it may be applied to the skin as a lotion. Using a cotton ball instead of your fingertips when applying it to a damaged area of your skin is often the finest option. You may use your hands to directly apply the oil for dry skin and wrinkles.

Additionally, lavender oil may be vaporized for aromatherapy purposes or taken as a pill. Although lavender oil is generally harmless, some people may experience pain from it. If you notice any unfavorable side effects, stop taking the oil.

Avoid using essential oils during the first trimester if you’re pregnant since they might expose the baby to hazardous compounds. After then, only use lavender oil for aromatherapy purposes; do not drink it or use it directly while you are pregnant.

5 Best Lavender Oils

1.Artizen Lavender 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil

This product is the one to choose if you’re looking for lavender essential oil that stands out from the competition and is renowned for its pure and potent formulation. Regular tests are conducted to determine the purity and special characteristics of Artizen Lavender 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil. In addition, the formula is shielded from any UV ray-related deterioration because they are housed in premium glass bottles.

2. ArtNaturals Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil

This lavender essential oil is a wonderful addition to your self-care regimen since it works wonders at calming stressed nerves. After a stressful day, add some oil to your diffuser or bath water to get all the amazing benefits of lavender. The item is 100% pure, vegan, and devoid of animal products. When combined with an appropriate carrier oil, it may also be used topically. You will feel more attractive from the inside out as a result of this moisturizing your lips and dry skin.

3. DoTERRA Lavender Oil

This lavender oil is among the highest-quality products on the market, particularly if you’re seeking for a multipurpose item that soothes both your body and mind. Natural components and cutting-edge technology are used to produce the recipe. It is a therapeutic-grade essential oil that is secure. This oil may be used to improve any recipe for baked goods and is safe for ingestion. If that weren’t enough, it also has a mild, powdery, flowery scent that will appeal to everyone.

4. Plant Therapy Essential Oils Lavender

When seeking for the ideal lavender essential oil that is of good quality and reasonably priced, this little magic vial is ideal. The essential oil is pure and has undergone extensive testing. You may be sure that you’re getting a genuine product that will satisfy all of your demands since the plant therapy products have been approved by licensed professional aromatherapists. If you combine the oil with a carrier oil like coconut or almond oil, you may use it as a hair tonic. What are you still holding out for? Get hold of this for gorgeous skin and hair!

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