Did you know that witch hazel is an effective natural remedy for skin problems? If you’re looking to ease the itch and redness associated with seasonal allergy season, then this common household ingredient might be worth a try. Witch hazel is a plant extract obtained from willow trees. It’s commonly used as a topical purgative and astringent. In fact, there are over 20 different types of witch hazel plants, all of which produce slightly different varieties of the plant’s primary active ingredient: hydroxycanthoideus. Studies have found that witch hazel has several potential benefits. So, if you’re looking to ease itching and dryness associated with allergies, consider adding it to your skincare routine. Here are some ways you can use witch hazels to heal and restore your skin.

Use Witch Hazel to Soothe an Itch From a Polluted Environment

Pollution and Chemical Exposure can cause serious skin damage. While not every exposed person is able to experience the same degree of skin damage, pollution and other chemicals from indoor and outdoor sources can easily get into your skin. There are two types of acne: papular and pustular, and they usually appear about the same time. Papular acne is more common, but pustular acne can be much more severe. Pimples that are papular usually appear with a whitehead (a bump) at their center. Pimples that are pustular usually have blackheads (cesspools) at their centers. Witching hazel is great for oily skin types that have a tendency to clog pores. It can also be used on acne-prone skin.

Protect your Skin from UV rays

Excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun can cause damage to the skin. The UVA rays are the ones that cause the most sun damage, and they’re best avoided. UVB rays can penetrate the skin and cause photocarcinogenesis, or the development of wrinkles and other sun-related skin problems. UVA rays are less damaging, but they can’t get through the skin’s deepest layers. Consequently, the safe levels of UV rays for your skin type can vary. For instance, oily skin types may be able to handle higher levels of UV rays without sun damage, while normal skin types may need to be careful.

Lighten Oily skin and acne-prone skin

If you have oily skin, you might wonder how to use witch hazel on your makeup. While it’s not a good idea to use it on your face, oily skin types can benefit from the lightening effects of witch hazel. Witch hazel can be used to lighten and clear oily skin. It’s also a good idea to use it on acne-prone skin to help prevent black heads and white heads, which can also happen when acne is present. If you have oily skin, it might be worth trying an oil-free moisturizer to see if that helps improve your skin.

Improve Scaling up to Microdermabrasion

If you’re interested in trying out microdermabrasion, the traditional skin exfoliating procedure, but are concerned about potential side effects, such as skin irritation, acne, or redness. Witch hazel has been used for years as an effective treatment for all types of skin blemishes. It’s a safe, inexpensive, and widely available topical painkiller. And, unlike stronger medications such as Advil or Aleve, it doesn’t cause drowsiness or create a high tolerance to pain. So, if your blemishes aren’t too major and you have a mild skin sensitivity, you might be able to try microdermabrasion with witch hazel. But be aware that smaller, more frequent treatments may be required as opposed to a larger, more intense scrub.


Witch hazel is a common plant extract that can be used to treat various skin problems. While it’s not a good idea to use it on your face, oily skin types can benefit from its lightening and clarifying properties. And acne-prone skin can also benefit from its ability to clear blackheads and whiteheads. If you’re interested in trying out microdermabrasion, make sure to use a mild, non-greasy formulation. Also, since acne-prone skin can be sensitive to smells, be sure to keep your makeup and skin care routine separate.


When should you use witch hazel on your face?

You can use witch hazel on your face as often as you like. However, if you have sensitive skin, you may want to start with once or twice a week and increase the frequency if your skin can handle it.

Should you use witch hazel everyday?

If you have sensitive skin, you may want to start with once or twice a week and increase the frequency if your skin can handle it.

Can witch hazel be used as a spot treatment?

Yes, witch hazel can be used as a spot treatment. Just apply it to a cotton ball or pad and dab it on the blemish. The astringent properties of the witch hazel will help to dry out the blemish and speed up the healing process.

Can witch hazel be used as a facial cleanser?

Yes, witch hazel can be used as a facial cleanser. Just add a few drops to your regular cleanser or apply it to a cotton ball or pad and use it to cleanse your face.

Can witch hazel remove dark circles?

Yes, witch hazel can help to reduce the appearance of dark circles. Just apply it to a cotton ball or pad and dab it under your eyes. The astringent properties of the witch hazel will help to constrict the blood vessels and reduce the appearance of dark circles.

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